La vérité sur la démo de Metalheart
03 nov. 2004

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Notre enthousiasme de hier concernant la démo de Metalheart était peut-être un peu prématuré, puisqu'un démenti officiel, que vous trouverez après le lien, vient d'être publié par Akella. Faut-il se réjouir de ce que ce qui a été "leaké" (c'est à la mode) est basé sur une version du jeu datant de 2003, et que depuis le système de jeu a été complètement refait ? La réponse en janvier 2005 avec la sortie du jeu.

Official Refutation

As we have just learned, a "demo" of Metalheart: Replicants Rampage appeared in the World Wide Web not so long ago. It's our duty to inform you that "Akella" is not responsible for this illegal distribution at all. This is not an official demo-version and it appears to be an incomplete fragment of 2003-year game build flooded with various errors.

This inconvenience has occurred due to frustrating misunderstanding between "Akella" and its partner that has mistakenly put the archive into the Web. The situation is being discussed and taken care of right now.

However, it won't influence the date of release at all. It will happen in January 2005 as it was previously announced. For this very "demo" is not a complete and tested product, we'd appreciate much if you do not mind its appearance. The complete version will be completely different regarding the total conversion of RPG system and many other aspects directly influencing the general game concept itself.

We are especially addressing the masters of web sites that host this archive asking them insistently to remove it from their download sections immediately as it corrupts our respected name. Let's not allow any provocations to confuse us.

At this very moment the official site of the game ([http]) is under intensive construction. You will be able to find all the necessary information on Metalheart: Replicants Rampage there just a few days later.

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