Mods bazaar
07 avr. 2002

Écrit par Netsabes

Deux gros mods viennent d'être mis à jour en ce beau week-end :

- Counter-Strike : une nouvelle beta de la prochaine version du mod le plus joué au monde est disponible pour les utilisateurs de Steam (dont une nouvelle version est également téléchargeable, au passage), le système de mise à jour par Internet promu par Valve Software.

- Q3F aka Quake 3 Fortress passe quant à lui au stade de la beta 2, plus d'un an après sa première version. Cette beta 2, très attendue par les fans, devrait permettre de relancer l'intérêt pour ce mod très orienté teamplay et classes de joueurs.

Vous trouverez la liste des changements de la nouvelle beta de Counter-Strike juste après le lien "En savoir plus".

Counter-Strike : ChangeLog

* Spectator settings are persistent.
* Dead bodies of hostages stay for entire round.
* Fixed problem with dead bodies floating in the air.
* Hostages show on the radar screen and flash blue. They will flash red when killed or rescued.
* Knife swing animation problem fixed.
* Grenade toss animation problem fixed.
* Blackout areas around zoomed in AWP scope is consistent when zoomed across resolutions.
* Auto Team-Balance moves the last player to connect to the other team, rather than the one with the highest score.
* Added diffuser icon in first person spec mode.
* Client prediction of viewmodel animations cleaned up.
* Fixed problem with output of "listplayers" command.
* Fixed bug with the VIP spawning and not getting the default weapons.
* Fixed bugs in the "vote" and "votemap" commands.
* Created server cvar "mp_kickpercent" to set the percentage of teammates it takes to vote a player off the server.
* Fixed players getting kicked for being idle when they shouldn't be.
* Renamed setinfo items "ah" and "vgui_menus" to "_ah" and "_vgui_menus".
* Added new setinfo item "_cl_autowepswitch" (default: 1) which controls whether or not a client switches to picked up weapons (if they're more powerful).
* Updated version of maps de_train, de_vegas, and de_nuke.
* Fixed bug where none of the Terrorists would spawn with the bomb.
* Fixed suicides appearing as headshot kills sometimes.
* Fixed grenade deaths appearing as headshot kills sometimes.
* Hostages now automatically follow a Counter-Terrorist when he gets close to them (instead of making the CT "use" the hostage first).
* Created client cvar "cl_minmodels" (default: 0) that allows players to only use the minimum set of player models. This cvars sets it so players only see leet.mdl, gign.mdl, and vip.mdl
* Fixed left-hand view models looking incorrect on ATI cards when using Npatches.
* Fixed bug with software mode and view models (only right-hand view models are available when in software mode).

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